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In the last weeks had the opportunity to review Monster Families, a set of miniatures by La Louve 3D, and now we decided to interview them. Their work is so interesting that we were curious about their team too. Here you can read their words:

Why did you choose the name La Louve 3D?

It is the nickname that my companion gives to me ^^’ because the wolf is a wild animal and difficult to approach. It is also an animal very linked to the fantasy and mystic world.

How long does each miniature take to design? How many drafts do you do before the final project?

A miniature can ask me between 25h and 70h. It was only from one year that I am doing 3D modeling (evenings and weekends because it is not my full job) and I hope to gain speed with experience, I am still in the learning phase! My tests, before a final project, are at least two passes at printing and sometimes much more, 5 or 6 on a tough model. As I’m modeling in order to print without slicer support, this necessarily requires more thinking and testing to verify that it works well.

How did you come up with the idea of making monster families?

The monsters families were very inspired by Monstrueusement Mignon of Blackbook Edition, which explains, in the context of role-playing, how to take care of your baby monster. In addition, baby monsters make it possible to bring interresting variations by putting players in the face of moral choices. What to do with the baby after having killed the parents following an attack or if they find him an orphan? After all at this young age it is neither good nor bad but could become what the player will do with it…

Which is your favorite miniatures among those you have you created?

Wow it’s a difficult choice ^^, I would say that I particularly like the Mushroom family and the baby Dragon.

Which was the most difficult miniature to make?

I think the most complicated to achieve is the Dragon with the wings spread. There was the challenge of creating the wings and cutting the head for printing it in PLA without addtional support.

How did the Kickstarter experience go? Did you feel comfortable on this platform?

The KS website is well done and offers a lot of resources to help get the campaign going. I found good advice there and it also pushed me to run a more structured campaign and not to hesitate to contact well known people in this circle.

Do you have other future projects related to the world of role-playing games? Whether they are miniatures or not.

Yes, we have a lot in mind. We would already like to develop accessories linked to the role-playing (dice tray, box, resin dice set), our website is also under construction. And a next KS would please us but we will rest for a moment after this one!

Let us know if, after this interview, you still have some curiosities about La Louve 3D!