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Modiphius Entertainment annuncia il GdR ispirato a Dishonored

Modiphius Entertainment announces Dishonored RPG

Modiphius Entertainment recently announced the RPG dedicated to the narrative universe of the Dishonored videogame series. The title is expected to be available in the summer of 2020, but a precise date is still missing. The basics: Dishonored’s videogame series...
2D6 Adventures: interview with the author

2D6 Adventures: interview with the author

Some days ago we presented 2D6 Adventures: a new way to play, a mysterious Kickstarter project. We couldn’t tame our curiosity so we decided to do an interview with the author Chris Robertson. Let’s read something more about his work. What information can...
2D6 Adventures: interview with the author

2D6 Adventures: intervista con l’autore

Alcuni giorni fa abbiamo presentato 2D6 Adventures: a new way to play, un misterioso progetto Kickstarter. Non abbiamo potuto tenere a bada la nostra curiosità, quindi abbiamo deciso di fare un’intervista con l’autore Chris Robertson. Vediamo cosa ci ha...