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Modiphius Entertainment recently announced the RPG dedicated to the narrative universe of the Dishonored videogame series. The title is expected to be available in the summer of 2020, but a precise date is still missing.

The basics: Dishonored‘s videogame series

Video games in this saga are made by Arkane Studios and are currently two: Dishonored (from 2012) and Dishonored 2 (from 2016), accompanied by their DLC. The turbulent political situation of the Empire of the Islands and more precisely of the city of Dunwall is the focus. The events of the first chapter begin on year 1666. It creates the atmosphere of an industrial city in which steampunk, occultism, magic and court intrigue are mixed. The gameplay alternates between action and stealth phases, without sparing strong role-playing elements.

Modiphius Entertainment GdR Dishonored

The team: Modiphius Entertainment

Publisher Modiphius Entertainment started this project with the aim of remaining as faithful as possible to the original works, without however missing some news. In order to do it they collaborated from the beginning with Harvey Smith (creative co-director of Arkane Studios) and other writers and artists who had collaborated in the creation of the video games. In this way the attempt is to not disappoint fans’ expectations.

The system: Momentum System

The award-winning developer Nathan Dowdell (known for Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of and Star Trek Adventures) has worked on adapting the 2d20 System to embrace the needs of Dishonored, creating the Momentum System. These changes are dictated by the need to be able to better express the rapid narrative rhythms and express in a proper way the powers related to the Void and Chaos.

To complete the project, Modiphius Entertainment has formed a creative team led by Federico Sohns, creator of Nibiru.

The contents of the Dishonored RPG proposed by Modiphius Entertainment

But the most practical question remains: what will the product contain? In summary this:

  • The 300-page manual
  • A special dice set
  • Cards
  • Other accessories

Nothing is known about the last three items on the list. To get into the specifics, however, we can tell you something more about the manual.

Its large number of pages first of all gives space to an introduction on the history, people and situation of the Empire of the Islands.

It continues with a guide to the creation of the Protagonists, the characters; they may be devious criminals and rebels or intrepid explorers and supporters of the crown.

After that various enemies and plot hooks are presented to inspire storytellers; these ideas are related to various geographical regions, such as the cold Tyvia or the sunny Karnaca.

The next chapter delves into the discourse linked to the Void and the powers that, by exploiting it, can bend reality.

The next content is a mini campaign in four acts: The Oil Trail; it is perfect for introducing newbies to the city of Dunwall.

Finally the manual ends with a quick and narrative version of the 2d20 System adapted for this work.

Modiphius Entertainment GdR Dishonored

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