da andylonewolf90 | Gen 22, 2020 | notizie
Da poche settimane Mana Project Studio ha annunciato Norse Grimoire, un manuale per D&D5e completamente dedicato alla magia rituale norrena. Fino ad ora si sapeva davvero poco a riguardo, ma siamo riusciti a strappare un’intervista esclusiva a Marco, uno...
da andylonewolf90 | Gen 19, 2020 | Useful Links
In D&D5e, as in many other systems, one of the most valued aspects is the creation of the character and, to take into account its development, an adequate character sheet is required. The first version is, as always, the official version released by Wizards of the...
da andylonewolf90 | Gen 17, 2020 | notizie
Ieri, giovedì 16 gennaio 2020, sarà purtroppo ricordato come il giorno della morte di Christopher Tolkien. Sebbene questo non abbia un collegamento diretto con il mondo dei giochi di ruolo, a nostro avviso un tributo era doveroso. Il suo lavoro, in supporto a quello...
da andylonewolf90 | Gen 17, 2020 | notizie
Yesterday, Thursday 16 January 2020, it will unfortunately be remembered as the day of Christopher Tolkien’s death. Although this has no direct connection with the world of role-playing games, in our opinion a tribute was a duty. His work, in support of that of...
da Filippo Franco | Gen 15, 2020 | notizie
What connection binds D&D5e, the actor Joe Manganiello and three patients of the Pittsburgh children’s hospital? The answer is another excellent example that comes from the world of RPGs, another good deed such as that relating to the Australian situation....