da Filippo Franco | Mar 6, 2020 | recensioni
There are some scenes that are rarely seen, if ever, in fantasy roleplaying games. One of them is an adventurer who refuses the offer of new spells or new magical items. As the effect that dice have on many of us, so even spells and power-ups arouse an irresistible...
da andylonewolf90 | Mar 5, 2020 | notizie
Oggi è finalmente il grande giorno: Norse Grimoire approda ufficialmente su Kickstarter! Nelle scorse settimane abbiamo diffuso la notizia dell’inizio del progetto, un compendio mirato a ricreare in maniera fedele l’antica magia norrena in D&D5e....
da andylonewolf90 | Mar 5, 2020 | notizie
Today is finally the day: Norse Grimoire officially lands on Kickstarter! In the last weeks we have spread the news of the beginning of the project, a compendium aimed at faithfully recreating the ancient Norse magic in D&D5e. Still full of curiosities, we decided...
da andylonewolf90 | Feb 22, 2020 | recensioni
Recentemente vi abbiamo parlato di Vast Kaviya, un’interessante ambientazione per D&D5e approdata con successo su Kickstarter. Abbiamo deciso di parlarvene, in modo da togliervi i dubbi che vi rimangono e decidere se anche voi volete avventurarvi nella...
da andylonewolf90 | Feb 22, 2020 | recensioni
We recently told you about Vast Kaviya, an interesting setting for D&D5e which has successfully landed on Kickstarter and now we decided to review it. We decided to tell you our opinion about it so that you can erase the doubts that you still have and decide if...