da andylonewolf90 | Mar 5, 2020 | notizie
Oggi è finalmente il grande giorno: Norse Grimoire approda ufficialmente su Kickstarter! Nelle scorse settimane abbiamo diffuso la notizia dell’inizio del progetto, un compendio mirato a ricreare in maniera fedele l’antica magia norrena in D&D5e....
da andylonewolf90 | Mar 5, 2020 | notizie
Today is finally the day: Norse Grimoire officially lands on Kickstarter! In the last weeks we have spread the news of the beginning of the project, a compendium aimed at faithfully recreating the ancient Norse magic in D&D5e. Still full of curiosities, we decided...
da Filippo Franco | Feb 27, 2020 | notizie
Norse grimoire è prodotto che No Dice Unrolled ha sempre seguito con molta attenzione fin dai tempi del suo annuncio alla fine del 2019. Si tratta di un supplemento per D&D5e prodotto da Mana Project Studio (i creatori del pluripremiato Journey to Ragnarok)....
da Filippo Franco | Feb 27, 2020 | notizie
Norse grimoire is a product that No Dice Unrolled has always followed closely since the time of its announcement in late 2019. It is a supplement for D&D5e produced by Mana Project Studio (the creators of the award-winning Journey to Ragnarok). It will be used to...
da andylonewolf90 | Gen 22, 2020 | notizie
A few weeks ago, Mana Project Studio announced Norse Grimoire, a manual for D&D5e completely dedicated to Norse ritual magic. Until now very little was known about it, but we managed to snatch an exclusive interview with Marco, one of the authors, in order to...