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Monster Families: stop to lonely monsters

Monster Families: stop to lonely monsters

Speaking of miniatures, there are two great needs that, as a dungeon master, I’ve always wanted to satisfy. The first is the desire to have multiple sizes of the same type of creature, to vary the encounters and characterize the enemies. The second is to be able...
Eldritch Foundry: the new customized miniatures

Eldritch Foundry: the new customized miniatures

Eldritch Foundry is a miniatures project born in 2019 on Kickstarter that has completed its campaign by collecting ten times the initial amount requested. Success was followed by the opening of the current site, the heart of their work. Miniatures for all tastes … Or...
Mythexplorers IV: experienced miniatures

Mythexplorers IV: experienced miniatures

There are only a few hours left to participate in a Kickstarter campaign that seems to promise very well: Mythexplorers IV. In summary, the offer includes various packages of miniatures, perfect for giving a face to our heroes or increasing our reserves in view of the...