da andylonewolf90 | Feb 9, 2020 | notizie
For a few weeks we have been talking with curiosity about the Kickstarter project An Indie Game Anthology and we have therefore decided to find out more about it with an interview with the two authors. Elisabeth Chai-Pra-Dit-Kul and Steffie de Vaan have kindly...
da andylonewolf90 | Gen 31, 2020 | notizie
An Indie Game Anthology si presenta come una raccolta di giochi di ruolo narrativi variegati, ma tutti scritti dalle stesse due persone. I GdR erano nati su Patreon, ma ora sono sbarcati anche su Kickstarter per raccogliere fondi e crearne, appunto,...
da andylonewolf90 | Gen 31, 2020 | notizie
An Indie Game Anthology presents is a collection of many narrative role-playing games, all written by the same two people. The RPGs were born on Patreon, but now they have also landed on Kickstarter to raise funds and create an anthology. This is reassuring because it...