da andylonewolf90 | Mar 7, 2020 | notizie
Recently we had the plasure to make an interview with Mike Myler, author of Vast Kaviya. In the last weeks we presented his latest Kickstarter campaign and talked about it in preview. His work tickled our curiosity and we wanted to know more about it. Let’s see...
da Filippo Franco | Mar 6, 2020 | recensioni
There are some scenes that are rarely seen, if ever, in fantasy roleplaying games. One of them is an adventurer who refuses the offer of new spells or new magical items. As the effect that dice have on many of us, so even spells and power-ups arouse an irresistible...
da andylonewolf90 | Mar 5, 2020 | notizie
Today is finally the day: Norse Grimoire officially lands on Kickstarter! In the last weeks we have spread the news of the beginning of the project, a compendium aimed at faithfully recreating the ancient Norse magic in D&D5e. Still full of curiosities, we decided...
da Filippo Franco | Mar 3, 2020 | notizie
I was a very satisfied backer of Nibiru, a sci-fi rpg of lost memories, which I have already talked about in my previous article. A few weeks ago, while we were preparing to publish the news of the future publication of Dishonored RPG, I read with pleasure that the...
da andylonewolf90 | Mar 2, 2020 | recensioni
In the last weeks we have followed a Kickstarter campaign, also managing to interview the authors and now we have finally been able to review two of the twelve role-playing games in the An Indie Game Anthology collection and we can tell you our opinion about it....